Die Schule für Industrie 4.0 !

Our school needs a corporate philosophy

Only if we all work towards a common goal we will be able to maintain our productivity, increase our reputation in dual education and maintain and expand our position in a changing school landscape.
This agenda describes for all of us how we operate in the municipal vocational school for industrial electronics, a binding framework for our common values, the goals of our work in a modern, social educational institution and our dealings with one another.

Our principles - The focus is on people

  • The focus of our work is on the people who trust us in our care.
  • We see schools as a place of holistic learning. Accordingly, we design the lessons holistically, taking into account the societal, social and technical aspects.
  • Our students should feel safe in our school in the security of receiving optimal personal and professional care. To ensure this, all employees work hand in hand. Everyone contributes to the well-being and success of our students by conscientiously fulfilling their tasks.
  • We achieve the highest level of competence through continuous professional and pedagogical training. Initiative is essential for this.
  • The smooth exchange of information for the benefit of the staff and the student body is our mission, both within the school and in cooperation with all the people and institutions involved inside and outside the school.
  • Our aim is to use the available financial resources to achieve the greatest possible benefit for the success of the training of our students.
  • We are committed to dealing responsibly with our environment and our health.
  • We treat all people with friendliness, helpfulness and respect.
  • We support our students, promote their skills, respect their dignity, advise and accompany them in all school matters.
  • Openness, tolerance, respect and mutual trust shape our dealings with one another.
  • Each and every one of us is responsible for a healthy working atmosphere.
  • Professional and social competence as well as the ability and willingness to Cooperation strengthens our feeling of togetherness.

The quality and further development of educational activities is in the interest of all those involved

  • In all areas of our school, relationship work and the resulting performance in conveying values ​​and knowledge is the most important assessment criterion.
  • The effort to continuously improve our work serves the students as well as the staff (team partners) and contributes to our satisfaction and motivation.
  • We optimize our pedagogical work and work processes through regular evaluation of our actions.
  • We value innovative teaching methods, a variety of methods, actively involve students and take current scientific knowledge into account in our educational activities.
  • In addition to imparting basic knowledge, we have additional materials that, if necessary, enable internal differentiation in all directions.

Creating transparency through trust and openness

  • Our relationship with parents, training companies, chambers and all other institutions that work with us is characterized by trust and openness.
  • We make our services and results transparent both internally and externally.
  • All employees are regularly informed about operational processes and new developments.
  • We conduct targeted public relations work and see our school as an institution to which the students as well as partners in their training have access.

Use synergies - success through cooperation

  • All managers and technical supervisors involve the employees in their area of ​​responsibility in solving tasks.
  • The cooperation of all specialist and professional groups in-house as well as the exchange of knowledge and experience are the basis of our actions. Everyone in the team takes responsibility for our work together.
  • Only in an atmosphere of honesty, mutual respect, tolerance and trust can we resolve conflicts openly and constructively.
  • The people familiar with advisory and supervisory tasks, the school social forum (trust and counseling teachers, school psychologists, representatives for girls and boys, etc.) have an action and crisis concept and regularly exchange ideas on preventive and current topics.
  • Close cooperation with all partners of the school for teaching, training and exams is an essential prerequisite for the success of our order.
  • Community events are an integral part of school life and culture.

Goals for school and quality development by 2023

  • In a school development program, the school bundles short and medium-term development goals and measures of the school community, reviews them regularly and updates them as necessary. The focus here is on the school's personal responsibility.
    “School development needs big thoughts, small steps and staying power!” Hartmut von Hentig
  • A common mission statement has been created.
  • Regardless of the geographical, linguistic origin or the previous educational qualification, once they have completed their education, the pupils receive the support and tools to ensure that all of them pass the aimed exams.
  • We have concepts for language promotion and (professional) integration in all areas.
  • The action-oriented teaching that takes place in the course system is the special feature and the basic pedagogical concept of our school.
  • All modules of this course system are described in terms of goals, content, competencies and time frames and can be viewed by everyone.
  • Forward-looking room and equipment concepts have been developed and implemented.
  • Peer observation is an integral part of everyday teaching.
  • Administrative processes are designed effectively.
  • Students and teachers have the opportunity to maintain international relationships.

December 19, 2016

Max Eiser, principal of the municipal vocational school for industrial electronics in Munich